Event: Organized by Human Rights in Migration Societies (MeDiMi), Center for Conflict Studies Marburg & MENA Prison Forum
Syrian Diaspora, Anti-Normalization Struggle, and Lessons from Koblenz
Philipps-Universität Marburg & Live Stream via MPF pages on YouTube and Facebook
DEC 11, 2023

Date and Time: Monday, December 11, 2023, 6pm- 8pm (Berlin Time)

Location:  Hörsaal Erdgeschoss, Deutschhausstr. 12, 35037 Marburg & Live Stream (For Arabic Translation via MPF pages on YouTube and Facebook)

Language: English with Arabic translation via live stream only

A German courtroom is bringing justice to Syria: This is how the trials against members of the Syrian regime for crimes against humanity in Koblenz have been celebrated in the media. Indeed, under the principle of universal jurisdiction these trials led to the conviction and sentencing of two members of the Assad regime for the first time. But for many Syrians, the needs for justice and accountability go beyond sentencing individual perpetrators and beyond the courtroom. They are demanding an end to the normalizing of relations with the Assad regime, a radical change in migration policy, and spaces to negotiate the narratives of the Syrian conflict from exile. 

Therefore, this event aims to explore what sustainable justice for Syrians can look like, and how can our current international justice and migration systems learn from the case of Syria as one of its biggest diaspora groups in Germany regarded needed changes and reconfigurations to the meaning of justice, accountability, migration, exile, and diaspora.


Tareq Alaows (Refugee Policy Speaker, PRO ASYL),

Monika Borgmann (Co-Founder & Managing Director, UMAM Documentation & Research/ MENA Prison Forum) 

Hannah el-Hitami (Freelance Journalist)

Mariana Karkoutly (Legal Investigator & Human Rights Activist, Huquqyat Organization)

Moderators: Maria Hartmann & Mina Ibrahim