This is an account of my time in Mubaraks Prison system in Egypt, between 2002 and 2006. There are many stories that have been left untold, but what follows are the main events of my incarceration, as well as a few stories to give a glimpse of what prison life in Mubarak’s Egypt was like. In a few places I have changed names of people, as it may not be desirable or even safe for their true identity to be known. Most of this text was written immediately after I returned to the UK, although a few additions were made more recently.
As I type this introduction, I have just heard reports that Hosni Mubarak is critically ill, after spending some time in the very prison that I was in. I had also heard that his two sons and much of his government were actually incarcerated in the same cells that I used to frequent, during my stay in Mazra’a Tora prison near Cairo.
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